Threads (developed by Meta), has now been launched on social media as a direct competitor for Twitter, what are your initial thoughts about it?
Published 19 responses on 07 Jul 2023
In my honest opinion I did not even know about this app so for me it was not really a competition haha but anyways I think there should not be any problem as soon as there’s a free market and anyone is free to develop an app and put it in the market… I used to use Facebook like crazy few years ago then was Instagram and now the real trend is tik tok and this be continuing like this because when something new comes mostly of us are interested in that because is new
This is what other community members thought:Threads is the new popular social media and communications app that is being labeled as the direct adversary and competitor to twitter indeed it has been quite hyped for obtaining 1 million subscribers in the first hours of it’s launch but this is due in part for it being the property of a social media and technology giant which is meta world famous and with a lot of ressources. I think personally that it is still too early to know if it is worth the hype or not. With time we will see if it is original and different enough from twitter to be more popular or if it will fall under the shadow of the class blue bird.
I think there is too much competition in the media world today and that yes I acknowledge that businesses are always striving to beat the other and be the most used platform but surely we have to draw the line somewhere. Threads was only created in my eyes to offer another space as opposed to Twitter due to it going downhill ever since Elon Musk took over. It was created as another space to be welcomed by content creators and influencers. The motivation in creating this platform was all wrong.
I'm not very keen on it I am not a huge fan of Meta as a corporation and would much rather a competitor which is new on the market gain popularity. I have downloaded it and it's okay but doesn't really wow me. I don't like that it's linked to instagram and would rather it have its own login. I also wish there were hashtags! Overall I think it will get some initial popularity but I think since it feels like just a twitter clone most people will just stay on Twitter.
This morning when I opened instagram I was confused by the tag and a number showing up on profiles and was told by a friend that this new app is launched. So after a quick research about thread I came to the conclusion that its complete waste of time. It's basically a twitter clone just with less features. And just like tik tok it's being advertised on another social media app that's what annoys me. So I'll definitely won't be downloading it since I already got twitter and don't need the exact same app with just less features :).
I love that meta has launched their new app threads. In my opinion twitter had a lot of trouble during the last 2-3 years and somehow it’s not getting better. They are being criticized for many things like censuring free speech and similar things. Threads now has the opportunity to do things better because it is a brand new app and people have less experience and expectations toward it. They can do things different very easily. I think threads will be way more effective in reaching younger people because it’s connected to Instagram. That’s make it more interesting than twitter. Fr
In my personal opinion I think threads was an unnecessary social media platform that was not needed. The reason I think this way is because there are so many social media platforms that you can use to stay in contact with friends through posting pictures or tweets or direct messaging. I think it’s a copy cat of Twitter but with a twist of using texting as direct messages. It also adds to the community who uses social media in a bad way like stalking etc. it’s another platform that could be use negatively and I personally think it was not necessary
New York, NY
I think it looks good. I have been influenced a bit. As a lot of the people who I follow with social media following are fully embracing it. I’m not sure if that’s they’re desire to stay relevant and follow the trends or if it’s genuine. But the reviews I’ve seen are good. I’ve also heard about the amount of downloads it has gotten and how rapidly they keep getting higher. I think it has all the potential to overthrow Twitter. There has been so many issues with since Elon Musk took over. And this seems to be a simplified version of Twitter before all the updates. I initially thought this could either really bad or really good. I’m inclined towards believing it’s going really well for threads.
I saw that Mark Zuckerberg just created this new social network called Threads i don't really know the reason but it just happened following an exchange of words with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. In fact I think that it was launched after a Twitter fall where Elon Musk put a limit to how many tweets people could see in one day. Mark Zuckerberg took profit of the situation to launch his app and gain users with this however I don't really think that this new app will steel users frow Twitter. Elon Musk already eliminated this tweet limit.
I don’t think it has the same appeal as Twitter if I’m being honest. Mostly to do with the fact that I barely have any wine that I know in real life on my Twitter and having threads being connected with my instagram makes it feel so restrictive and I can’t fully be how I want to be or express myself how I usually do without sounding weird l. I also think that it’s weird that I’m unable to find threads made by other people without searching up their actual account. It just seem like a poorly made sub-app to compete with Twitter. Maybe they will try and develop it later since it’s very new but for now I’m not entirely with it l. Also the fact that the data that it collects has caused it not to be able to be downloaded in the EU is quite strange l we know that Zuckerberg has had court problems in the past to do with his data and the fact that you’re unable to delete your threads account without deleting your instagram is so weird and not a good idea at all. Juste seems very dodgy.
I have never used it yet however from what I have read about it it is really similar to twitter its main competitors people find it intuitive and easy to use. It might be a good thing and get ahead from f’twitter however this app raise questions about a possible monopolistic situation from meta that already own Facebook instagram messenger WhatsApp this monopolistic situation is also an issue for the user as all its data’s is on with and might be used or sold without the total awareness of final user. For me it is a gods thing to have multiple competitors on a single market and even if the app is a good one it has to many threats for final users
My initial impressions of Threads the social media platform created by Meta are neutrally positive. Similar to Twitter the site looks to have an interactive user interface. With possibilities for private messaging and group chats the messaging and communication facilities appear to be strong and might support interesting talks. Although Threads intrigues me I'd like to learn more about its user base community involvement and market difference. My ability to evaluate the platform's potential impact as a Twitter competitor and its long-term viability will depend on my ability to comprehend its distinctive features and innovations. It's important to note that my opinions are based on scant information and further research into the Threads platform and user evaluations would be required to make a more thorough and knowledgeable opinion.
In the history of inventions there has allways been the debate of the intellectual propiety. But on the other hand most of the inventions and creations are inspired or mixet one with the other and this is a valid way to innobate in my opinion. If some company has a good product but another company recreates its invention with somehow an improvement this should be accepted as a new and different creation. For example the reels from instagram are a direct competitor for the original tiktok.
I have both apps currently and I think a big thing missing from threads is the more stricter guidelines as certain things that are present on Twitter which are not present on threads which i think is something that limits the platform for certain people. I also believe it’s very similar to instagram but overall the app is good and I think it could compete with twitter however and don’t think there’s really space for both I believe overtime threads will fall off and ppl will revert back to twitter
It seems like threads is just a copycat of twitter but with a load of censoring. Where as twitter allows more free speech. It seems like it has been made so that companies can put their adverts on to the site as many pulled out when Elon bought twitter and allowed free speech on the app. Furthermore. Also currently the app is very buggy however with more updates it will get better. In terms of use I do see it becoming a rival to twitter as it will attract all the people that left twitter because of the uncersoring that Elon done when the company was bought
St Ives
I actually don’t find this such a big deal for the sole reason that all social media platforms are becoming the same and has been becoming the same for years already. First the Stories now available in instagram as well as fasebook and the recent hit - reels on instagram tik toks on tiktok youtube shorts on YouTube - this option is now available everywhere. So copying twitter as threads is just another thing that is gonna be common on more than one platform. These platforms are now just aiming to keep users on the app and not on what the original idea was.
I personally have never used twitter and threads is very similar to that. I feel like Instagram has copied a lot of elements from different platforms the biggest being the stories from Snapchat. And now threads from twitter. I won’t be using it as I had no interest in twitter and Instagram making threads isn’t gonna change my mind on it. I feel like it’s pointless because it’s almost the same you still post pictures and write a caption with people like and commenting
I think that this lawsuit is absolutely ludicrous. They are two completely different apps. Twitter does use a thread so does Reddit so does Facebook. So are twitter going go sue all of these large competitors aswell I think not. In my opinion the billion dollar company twitter needs to chill out and let some of the smaller companies take on more responsibility. However why can’t twitter and meta join together for a joint venture? Surely this would be much better for both companies.
My initial thoughts on threads are largely neutral. Having used the platform itself within the first 24 hours of its launch I am aware the general reception has been positive particularly from app users themselves. However I see the app as merely a competitor in a crowded and dominated space - with a lack of originality making it repetitive and unoriginal. It is clear the app has used Twitter as a blueprint and seems to have capitalised on recent developments within Twitter to launch this app. Overall I have negative initial thoughts on Threads.